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-11/23/03- Hey! Ya so Split*75 broke up a looong time ago but that doesn't mean you still can't come to the site! Yaaaay!
-04/04/03- Got some lyrics up. Not all though.. I'll put more up soon when I'm not so lazy.
-03/27/03- A few things: The boys have agreed to do another fundraiser for Centennial Middle School on April 15th/03. It will be a fun-filled, energy packed event. The guys love the kids there and it should be fun... After that, they're getting down to business and gettin hooked up in the studio. I'll update you on the fundraiser and the studio progress.
-03/03/03- So here's the DL: I am lazy and haven't updated the site for a looooong time. The boys have a new sound and are practicing their new material and getting all ready for their studio time roughly in May. Their full-length album will hopefully be released before the show they're doing with Slick Shoes and Yellow Card on July 13/03. Therefore, They will probably not be doing any shows until then. Maybe one, but not too many. New pics will be up very shortly... I promise. And Greg recently fractured his wrist snowboarding so guitar is out of the question for a little while.. I'll be sure to keep you posted on his recovery! T-shirts and buttons are also in the making so get ready for those. Hang tight while the boys get into the studio and unleash the fury on July 13th/03 at Woodstock sk8park for the Ontario tour with Slick Shoes, Yellow Card and many more!
-01/20/03- Ok, some more info on the Ontario Tour, It doesn't end at the end of February. It goes for much longer. The boys have a show on July 13th. They don't have all the details yet but they know for a fact that it is on that date, outside at a skatepark in Woodstock and they'll get $200 cash because over 1500 people will be attending! I'll keep you posted if anything else comes up. Another thing, Split*75 has not been able to have a full practice for over a month now. Brad's been grounded. AGAIN. So Greg And Rob have been writing some stuff. And this isn't the usual S75 stuff they've put out. I sense that they are changing their ways of the genre of music they play. They're keeping there old pop-punk songs but are done with it. You will be surprised by what they are writing now. It's almost Anti-Flag/Boxcar Racerish. It sounds great. Last but not least, a cd. They have a 6 track live cd from the show at the Kathedral but it sounds like ass. They have agreed to do no shows until July because they are writing more songs and getting into a studio to record a 15 track fully polished by May. Rob is leaving to go to the states on a possible golf scholarship so they're definately making a cd before he departs. They have roughly 10 polished songs and need to make 5 more for there cd. I'll keep you posted on their progress!
-01/04/03- Wow, it has been a little over a full month until we've gotten a chance to update the site. December wasn't a very active month for the boys. It's not a great time for them because of Greg's Bday, Rob's trip to Myrtle Beach and Brad's grounding. But, they did get a chance to play a little show at Centennial middle school on Dec. 20/02. It went pretty good and everybody had a great time. The Christmas break was a good relief from school and all that other stuff. Rob has been in Myrtle Beach all breaqk so the boys have not had a chance to practice much. But they are all working seperately on some song ideas. Split*75 has been offered to go on a little tour around Ontario. They don't know if they're doing it for sure yet but hopefelly they'll get a chance to do some gigs on the tour. It starts roughly late January and ends around late February. I'll update you on they're decision making status. Take it easy and we hope you had a great holiday.
-11/25/02- Busy busy busy! The boys have been extremely busy this past month! They have been working their asses off! They had to back to back shows on Nov. 22nd and 23rd. Their show on the 23rd at the Kathedral was awesome! They even had their set recorded on a cd with 6 great songs live! Just $3 will get you one of these copies. I've got some pics up from the show on the 22nd but not many. And I have no pics for the Kathedral show! That sucks. Well, the boys are getting themselves ready for the studio soon and they will be doing more shows also. I'll try to update this as much as possible now that there is so much going on. Keep it real. And sign the guestbook! Oh and one last thing, Split*75 was recently on the tube! There was footage from the show on the 22nd with the boys playing their song "Hope". That oughtta get some publicity!
-10/27/02- The boys have a show coming up on Nov. 23. Check out the SHOWS page for more details.
-10/12/02- BIG news... Split*75 has agreed to relieve Ian Boileau from the band. Things just weren't working out the way the boys expected. So they are now down to three. In a way, this is great because now Rob, Brad and Greg can start doing shows. Before, when Ian was with them, they had to teach Ian all of they're songs plus the songs they cover. So things are looking giid at the moment. And practices are awesome. They're writing two songs each practice and perfecting them within no time. We'll miss Ian...
-10/04/02- Poopookaka! Hey kids. Wow, it's been a while. Update, Practices are goin very well. I feel upcoming shows on the way. I've got Rob's bio up finally. And pics of Ian! Well, i've got them but just not on here. They will be on here soon though. I promise. And we've got a new forum/message board goin on! Post a message about whatever you want or reply to a message someone has already put! And don't forget about our guestbook and our poll! Keep it real.
-09/08/02- Practicing in progress: Finally all of the boys can now get together and start practicing they're material. It's about time they all practice with eachother. Umm... yeah, that's about it.
-08/15/02- Yay! Ian has returned from his 2 week vacation! Now he can start practicing with Greg & Brad. Rob? Well... he's still super busy with his golf. But once September hits, it's all good. At the moment, the boys are getting new pictures taken and will be on the site shortly. They're sick of having all the year-old pictures on the site. They want new ones so that's what they're getting! And there aren't any of Ian so that's another bonus. All you kids out there who have yet to meet him, soon will because his bio and pics of him will be on here very soon.
-08/01/02-  Hey everyone, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating anything, it's just that the server is being really gay and it won't let me into the site.  Anyway please be patient and soon it will be fully functional, but for now just keep voting on the poll and signing the guestbook.
-07/13/02- Ok, so this really blows. Our highly devoted drummer Brad Fisher, is grounded for a month! What does that mean? That means we can't practice for a month! Is that shitty or what?! That's all I gotta say.
-07/09/02- Yeah, I'm an asshole. I haven't really been updating anything but I'm working on it. Bit by bit the site gets better. The boys haven't been practicing that much. Like once or twice every 2 weeks. It's not looking good right now. BUT it's all good. They aren't going to do any gigs until september so they have time to write a few more songs and practice. Ian! Let's show up for a practice sometime!
-07/04/02- Hello ladies and gents! Yes Split*75 is back and better than ever! And we would like to introduce you to our new member, Ian Boileau! We know how disappointed you all were when we broke up (yeah right), but it was for the best. Our old site sucked so we are working on this one to make it nice and pretty. There is a lot of construction going on but it'll be finished very soon (maybe). Don't forget to sign the guestbook on your way out! Thanks. And also, back in the day before we broke up, we did an interview with Kevin Pollock for Ontariopunk.com. Go to our LINKS page and check out that interview!

-Some new pics

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