Band Biography


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Once upon a time, four guys...
Robbie Greenwell- Bass
Greg Mullins- Guitar, Vocals
Ian Boileau- Vocals, Guitar
Brad Fisher- Drums
...started a band and this is how the story goes...
Let's go back to the days of grade school in 1999. It was grade 8 and Rob, Greg and Brad were all buddies. What about Ian you may ask? Well he doesn't come into the story until 3 more years! Anyway, it was about late May when there was a talent show at Centennial Middle School. Rob and Brad decided that they wanted to perform in the talent show the 3 only songs they knew. They happened to be blink-182 songs by the way. So what they needed was someone to play guitar and do vocals. Well, they found a guitarist (who's name I will not mention. He stayed with the band for a whole year until we gave him the boot.) and all they needed was a singer. Well they knew that Greg would do anything if it was in front of a group of people because he was the hugest attention seeker and still is. So Rob and Brad asked Greg if he wanted to sing for them in the talent show. Greg got right to the point in his answer, "no". Greg really did not want to do it. Don't ask me why, but he just hated the thought of singing in front of the whole school. Rob and Brad wouldn't take "no" for an answer. So, they put his name on the sign-up sheet for the talent show without him knowing. (Those bastards). It took Greg about 2 weeks to realize that he was singing for them and he was super pissed. He had to learn the words to 3 songs he didn't know. Man was he ever pissed. And trust me, you do not want to get Greg angry. (He's got a bit of a temper). The show went and it was ok for their first time ever performing. Actually, it sucked. But who cares, it was their first show. They all really enjoyed making music together so they decided to start a band over the summer. During that summer, Greg got his first real six string and played it 'til his fingers bled. (Sorry, had to add a little bit of Bryan Adams there). So yeah, Greg wanted to start playing some guitar. They practiced a whole bunch of covers over the summer and got their first real gig in November of Grade 9. (This was their first year of highschool). They went to the town hall in Glen Williams and played there. It was pretty good considering they were crammed in one corner with lights in their eyes, playing their guitars on a clean channel because our ex-guitarist's (who's name I won't say) amp blew during warm up. At this point, they were going by the name of "Stiffie". Which has two meanings. One meaning is from Cool Boarders 2 with the trick Stiffie. You can figure out the other reason for their name... After that, we kicked out our other guitarist (who's name I will not mention). But, things just sterted to fall apart. They ended up breaking up. Stiffie was now done. (This is the part of the story where you start to cry). There was no band movement until 2001. The boys were now in grade 10 and they wanted to get back together. They did. (No shit). But they needed a name for themselves. It took them a while to figure something out. Brad and his genius mind had an idea. You see, the boys have never been in the same class as eachother since grade 7. Back then, the classes had numbers. Their number was 75. And since they haven't been in the same class since then, they have been "split" apart. Therefore, making the name Split*75. (The asterisk or "star" was added to make the name look pretty). Now they have different variations of their name. Such as; split|seventyfive* and 7|5*. So they had a name. They practiced and wrote their hearts out until they felt that they were ready for some gigs. They did a Battle of the Bands competition at their school. But of course, ALL school gigs  suck and it didn't turn out that great. After a while, the boys started getting some gigs in Tronto and London. Actually, tons of gigs! The only prob was, was that they couldn't do any of them! At this point Brad was in a band with his step dad called Onyx Angel. They were really busy. So that was super shitty. Their one chance to start getting noticed and Brad was to busy jammin' down in T-Dot with Onyx Angel! Greg was fed up with this so he decided to cut the band. Once again, they broke up. (cry). Finally, Brad quit Onyx Angel! When Greg found out he almost shit his pants! Actually, he did shit his pants and you can buy them on Ebay.ca. The band was up and running once again! But they needed a new name. It was dudebox[] for a while but it sounded like a gay bar name. So they stuck with Split*75. And it was now 2002. Greg has a buddy on his soccer team. Yes that's the one, Ian Boileau. He asked Ian if he wanted to play some guitar and do some vocals. Ian without a doubt said, "sure". Ian was in a band before called On The Rise. I have no idea why he's not with that band anymore. But who cares, he is now a proud member of Split*75. So they are writing like crazy and looking into hooking up with their old agent again. Now, it is mid October, 2002. The boys have made a tough decision and that is to relieve Ian from the band. It really wasn't working out as planned. Ian is a great guy but it's just not going to work out. So Split*75 is back down to 3... And once again, they broke up in April of 2003. Now in late November 2003, Greg is in a band called Better Than Nothing (www.betterthannothing.tk) Brad is in a marching band and Rob doesn't play bass anymore...