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Lyrics By Greg
How do I know
It'll be your voice when you answer the phone
At your home
I don't know
And i'm too scared
To call and check up on you
And I'm afraid of the voice im talking to
Will you make me believe in you?
Can you promise me
That you'll pick it up on the first ring
'Cause I don't want to talk to anyone else but you
I'm not scared anymore
Stay With Me
Lyrics By Greg
I really love the way you dress
And the way you talk to me
When I close my eyes it's you I see
Those were the words you said to me
Break-ups are always hard
Yes they are
We all go through them
This one was the worst of them all
I really loved her
Before you take my hand please swear to me
That you'll stay with me
I don't know what I'd do
Without you
At least say maybe
I'm really sorry for what I've done
I must admit that it was dumb
When I close my eyes it's you I see
Those were the words you said to me
Lyrics By Greg
When nothin's goin' your way
And the things you want aren't going to stay
Just sing this song to yourself
And realize that you've got hope
There's nothing you can do about it
You just gotta stick right through it
And don't quit
3 inches
Lyrics By Greg
Just 3 inches is all I need
Drowning in a bathtub is just one big plead
A plead for a little attention
Will anyone ever pay attention to me?
I'm not asking for much
Just enough to prevent my suicide
Everyone looks right through me
Just 3 inches is all I need
Incomplete serenity
It's Not Alright
Lyrics By Robbie
There's so much going on right now
But we can't back down
The only way we can get through this
Is if we hit and not miss
It's not alright
That there's so much pain
It's not alright
Things will never be the same
I believe doing the right thing today
I just wish people woulde realize
That we cant compromise
It won't get beter before it gets worse
It won't end until we know where to search
Hold My Tears
Lyrics By Greg & Robbie
Pack up your bags
It's time to leave
The taxi's outside waiting for you
So kiss me and promise me
Things will stay the same between us
And take this time to think of me
And what your leaving behind you
I can't believe it's come to this
Please come back now
You will be missed
It's amazing how you make me feel
It's killing me on the inside
While I hold my tears on the outside
It's so hard living without you
6 months gone by and no call
Did you for get about me?
We will never see eachother again
I hope you  take some time to think of me
And what you have left behind you
I can't believe it's come to this
Please come back 'cause you're so missed
What It's Like
Lyrics By Greg
I look over at you
And you look back at me
And I wonder why your life's so easy
You get all the girls
And all the grades
Built up anger makes my stomache feel so kweezy
I've had enough
It's time for me to start thinking things through
I can't take this for too long
I've gotta get outta this town
You don't know what it's like to be me
You don't know what it's like to be me
You have no idea
What it's like
To walkinto someone elses shoes
It's time for you to realize
That there's other people in this world other than you
 Penn 1, & Restricted on the way!